Our car's recent maintenance visit to Water Star Motors was another in a long line of satisfying experiences. Our car was originally scheduled to have an regular service/oil change in September 2011, but because our car had not been driven between June and December due to extended out-of-town work, Water Star rightly advised us to wait until either the 3,500 miles or six months had passed. That advice, in and of itself, saved us money. When the time rolled around to finally bring in our car, we did so in a "last minute" sort of way since we needed to drive up to Mount Shasta the next day, and I knew the car had reached the time for its oil change and safety check. Water Star Motors fit us in without any hesitation to their busy schedule and got the work done on the same day. There were a few minor repair items that needed to be done, but they were not emergencies, so we were assured we did not have to feel the pressure to leave the car longer and delay our trip. I always appreciate how this business lets us know what repairs we absolutely do and do not have to do for safety in the present moment. That means I really listen to them when they insist on doing a repair. That's the full report. THANK YOU, WATER STAR MOTORS!